My beard's longer, and more sincerely grey. But my hairline's still relentlessly marching down the back of my head, and I'm still fascinated by what exists within this universe, what exists beyond, and what might exist.
I also keep getting reminded that I'm not a 40-year-old kid any more. Or a 50-year-old one, for that matter.
I'll be 64 in a few days, and am quite likely to last longer than my computer's hard drive.
That piece of equipment, my son tells me, is at the point where it works: loudly. I thought it was rattling more than it had when this gadget was new: and agreed with him, that replacing it before it crashes would be prudent.
We discussed what I'd need, and want; he did a little checking around, and purchased a replacement part. When he arrived, he told me that setting aside an entire day to get the thing plugged in and working would be a good idea.
He figures that the job will take a lot less time: but we both know that stuff happens.
I could have squeezed my research, writing, and art (that's for another blog) into three days, instead of the usual four leading up to Friday: but decided that this would be a really good time to take a week off. Maybe two. Or three.
Actively Goofing Off
I do need a break, though: particularly since I want to reconsider the schedule I've been on, and want time to doodle, read something other than blog-post-research-related stuff, and goof off.
That 'goofing off' will involve being more physically active. I spend more time at my desk than I should.
If I knew when I'll have the next post done, I'd tell you. Like I said, I'm taking a week off. Maybe two. Maybe more.
But not much more than that. For one thing, there are a few things I want to say about the Pope's trip to America. And I'm quite sure that there'll be something in 'science' news that catches my eye.
Actually, that's already happened. I haven't decided whether I'll follow up on it, though.
I've said most of this before:
- "Sharing a World of Boundless Wonder"
(July 7, 2013)
Particularly - "Not as Young as I Used to Be: And Never Was"
(April 7, 2013) - "Business Not as Usual"
(January 27, 2013) - "Taking a Break, Holiday, Leave, Sabbatical, Vacation: Whatever"
(January 24, 2013) - "A Change in Schedule"
(October 2, 2011)
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