Official Catholic Websites
- Catholic Church - universal
- The Holy See
- Known as "the Vatican" by many
- Year of Faith
2012-2013 (English)- Annus Fidei
"The Vatican Today"
- Year of Faith
- Known as "the Vatican" by many
- Vatican Information Service
- With links to Pope2You on Facebook, the Pope's Message on Wikicath, Benedict XVI and the Church on iPhone - and the Vatican on YouTube
- The Vatican on YouTube
- The Holy See
- Catholic Church - in the United States
- Blogs
- Aggie Catholics
- Catholics at Texas A & M
- Association of Catholic Women Bloggers
- "We are a group of committed Christian writers who speak the good news as Catholics"
- Blog, Defenders of the faith
- Stephen Ray, author of "St. John's Gospel," "Upon This Rock," and "Crossing the Tiber"
- The Black Biretta
- "a cleric opines"
- By Ink, or By Blood
- " 'Sin is behovely. Yet all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' -- Julian of Norwich"
- Can We Cana? A Community to Support Catholic Marriages
- "Marriage needs at least three different kinds of support: preparation, prayer, and practical advice. Through this blog, I'm trying to offer all three. Please join in the community and add to the conversation, so that we can all support each other."
- #CathBlogsGPlus
On RebelMouse- "We are glad you are here. Join us to read the best Catholic Bloggers around. Grab your coffee, tea or beverage of choice and visit for a while."
- Catholic Bloggers Network
- Catholic bloggers, making a difference on the World Wide Web
- The Catholic Comedy
- "Providing A Catholic Sense of Comic Relief for A Would-Be-Tragic Age"
- Catholic Blog Directory
- The Catholic Key Blog
- "...from the staff of the newspaper for the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph in Missouri."
- Catholic Dads Online
- " help Catholic dads live out and witness to their universal vocation as Catholics and their individual vocations as fathers..."
- Catholic and Enjoying It!
- Mark Shea's Blog: So That No Thought of Mine, No Matter How Stupid, Should Ever Go Unpublished Again!
- Catholica Omnia
- "Everything Catholic"
- Catholicism Anew
- "Words from the New Song Community World Wide"
- Catholicseeking
- " 'Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You' St. Augustine"
- Christopher's Apologies
- "Apologia: A defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actions."
- Contemplative Horizon
- Sister Hildegard Pleva's look at the Catholic Church, Catholicism, and life as a contemplative nun with the Redemptoristine Nuns of New York.
- Convert Journal
- "One guy's journey in the Catholic Church"
- Essays
George Sipe's own work - New Evangelists Monthly
" informal, dynamic, crowd-sourced 'meta-magazine' ... many different, but faithfully Catholic viewpoints, insights and perspectives."
- Essays
- "One guy's journey in the Catholic Church"
- Country Girl's Daybook
- "The musings and photography of a small town gal"
- Daniel McInerny
- "Revels in the Craft of Storytelling"
- David Torkington
- "Author and Speaker — On Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology"
- Diary of a Rookie Priest
- "On June 14, 2008 I was ordained a Catholic priest. So, who am I now?"
- Filling my Prayer Closet
- "A life of conversion. One prayer at a time."
New content at: Matthew Warner - The Gospel in the Digital Age
- Blog by New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan
- On the Archdoicese of New York website
- Blog by New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan
- Harvesting The Fruits Of Contemplation
- "Since the Church began aiming more at temporal things than at spiritual, things have gone from bad to worse." – St. Catherine of Siena
Michael Seagriff's blog
- "Since the Church began aiming more at temporal things than at spiritual, things have gone from bad to worse." – St. Catherine of Siena
- The hermeneutic of continuity
- "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."
- Homeschooling Works
- "...Here you will also find interesting topics about, health, science, family life, religion, spirituality and much more!..."
- Kate -N- Mike - Catholic Crusade (YouTube)
- "Bringing Forth the Geed News of Christ in Our Own Crazy Way!"
- Liturgy
- "Worship that works – spirituality that connects"
- Matthew Warner
- "Matt Warner is a Catholic husband, father, tweeter, blogger and social media nerd. In 2008, Matt left his engineering career to focus full time on New Media and the Catholic Faith. He is the founder of..."
- And his popular blog,
- "Matt Warner is a Catholic husband, father, tweeter, blogger and social media nerd. In 2008, Matt left his engineering career to focus full time on New Media and the Catholic Faith. He is the founder of..."
- Never Give Up
- "An ordinary man engages the circumstances of daily life, seeking to draw closer to the Mystery who gives meaning to everything."
John Janaro's blog
- "An ordinary man engages the circumstances of daily life, seeking to draw closer to the Mystery who gives meaning to everything."
- OSV Daily Take
- "A Catholic blog on the news"
- Patrick Madrid
- " 'Just another guy with a blog. No big whoop.' "
- Reconciled to You, RTY-Blog
- "Rooted in the Grace of God"
- Roman Catholic Cop
- "Thoughts and perusings of a Catholic Cop on his spiritual journey"
- Sacerdotus
- "Blogging about God, Faith, The Catholic Church, Science, Philosophy, & Other Worldly Issues"
- Saint Joseph's College Theology Blog
- "A Work of Missionary Discipleship"
- St Malachy
- " 'Letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognise anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.'
Pope Benedict XVI"
- " 'Letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognise anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.'
- Salvation Is an Adventure
- By "...just a guy trying to live my life the way God wants me to...."
- The Scholastic Tradition in the Modern World
- "Sharing the Fruits of my Contemplation"
- By Matthew Menking
- Standing on my Head
- " 'Any scene can be more freshly and clearly seen when it is seen upside down.' "
- The Thin Veil
(Brandon Vogt)- "I'm a 25-year-old Catholic bibliophile who writes on theology, technology, and social-justice...."
- Thomas Pringle Vocation Blog
- "...created for the sole purpose of sharing the experience of a young man discerning the call to the priesthood of Jesus Christ...."
- Training Happy Hearts
- "Join us as we journey along in training up our children (and ourselves!) to live fully, love deeply and learn passionately, with faith that promises (and delivers!) truly happy hearts."
- Two Catholic Men and a Blog
Faith & Reason
- "— Where Two or More are Gathered —"
- USCCB Media Blog
- " report on the activities of the U.S. bishops conference and discuss those matters of the faith and the Church...."
- Whispers in the Loggia
- "...One of global Catholicism's most prominent chroniclers, Rocco Palmo...A former US correspondent for the London-based international Catholic weekly...."
- Aggie Catholics
- Media
- Catholic Information Network
- Catholic News Agency
- Catholic Information Service for Africa (CISA)
- The Catholic Spirit
- Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
- Catholic Pulse
- "...a service of the Knights of Columbus dedicated to bringing readers original commentary, a summary of the daily news, and featured opinion that Catholics need to know...."
- Denver Roman Catholic Examiner's Articles
- Theresa Navarra
- EWTN Global Catholic Network
- Faith, Multimedia, News, Libraries, Resources, Blogs
- Inside the Vatican magazine
- Catholic News Magazine
- L'Osservatore Romano
- The Holy See's weekly newspaper: English translation
- Your Life, Family, and Culture Outpost
- The Vatican Today
- Zenit
- The World as Seen From Rome
- Organizations
- Adoremus: Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
- An association of Catholics promoting authentic reform of the Liturgy of the Roman Rite while fully and unreservedly accepting the Second Vatican Council
- Brendan Walsh BTh Catholic Charismatic Ministry
- "Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." Pope John II
- Catholic Answers
- "...dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the world...."
- Catholic Culture
- "Trinity Communications seeks through to advance the Catholic faith and support the formation of authentically Catholic culture...."
- Catholic League
- for Religious and Civil Rights
- Crosier Fathers and Brothers
- "Living for God Alone ... Together"
- Provincial Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona
- Communities in Phoenix, Arizona; Onamia, Minnesota
- "Living for God Alone ... Together"
- FOCUS Fellowship of Catholic University Students
- "Answering the Church’s call for a new evangelization...a national outreach that meets college students where they are and invites them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith."
- Knights of Columbus
- Marians of the Immaculate Conception
- National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC)
- National Shrine of St. Jude
- New Advent
- A massive online resource collection, "Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Including- "The Catholic Encyclopedia"
(ca. 1910-1917)
- "The Catholic Encyclopedia"
- A massive online resource collection, "Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
- Priests for Life
- Rosary Center
- Dominican Fathers: Headquarters of The Rosary Confranternity
- Adoremus: Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
- Something Else
- Always Catholic
- "...So though we cannot always be religious in this sense, we can always be Catholic, that is, the round of our daily activities can be conducted in such a way as to express and be in harmony with our Faith..."
- Tony Agnesi
"Finding God's Grace in Every Day Life" - Basilica ... Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
- (unofficial, part of priism enterprises site)
- CatholiCity
- "The Catholic Church Simplified"
- Virginia Lieto
Inspirational Author- "Embrace the Virtues to Live a Happier Life!"
- "Prayer Change Everything;" live Rosary online, prayer requests
- QuoteCatholic
- (daily Catholic quotes)
- John Michael Talbot
- "Troubadour for the Lord"
- Susan Tassone
Author- "Pray for the Holy Souls!"
- Theology is a Verb
- "Encountering Christ's love, mercy, and compassion in dialogue & witness"
- Top Catholic Blogs
- "Top Catholic Bloggers, All in One Place"
- Always Catholic