If you follow the news,1 you may have read that parents who home school their kids:
- Are concerned about religious and moral instruction
- Really believe that the universe is about 6,000 years old2
- Think science is pretty much all wrong
- Factually
- Morally
I think home schooling can be a good idea. But I'll admit to a bias: My wife and I home-schooled our kids, from grade 7 up. Their choice.
Home Schooling and Getting a Grip: By the Numbers
There's some truth to those three points. Particularly the first one. On the other hand, I've got pretty good reason to believe that home schooling is a pretty good idea: particularly for folks solidly attached to the space-time continuum.Here's what I mean, by the numbers.
#1 Religious and Moral Instruction
As I've said before, morality isn't always about "morality."Given the sort of malignant virtue that permeated parts of the religious community where I grew up, I understand why some American sincerely thing that religious beliefs are a threat to public safety. And that "morality" is a sort of sexual disorder.
I don't agree with that 'intelligent' view: which is why I became a Catholic.
"Morality" involves sex - but it's more to it than that.4
Still, sex is a pretty basic part of being human, which brings me to -
Sex and the Serious Home Schooling Parent
Again, I've put links to part of what the Church says in "Background," under "Sexuality."I think one reason some folks get crazy when it comes to sex stem in part from warped notions about being "spiritual" and "worldly."
Which reminds me of Gnosticism. Which is like a triple-cheese anchovy and bratwurst pizza: a treat for some that raises hob when swallowed. 5
Then there were folks who seemed to believe that God commands people to wear the sort of clothes some Americans did in the 'good old days:' somewhere around 1945-1955. Didn't they ever look at those pictures in an illustrated Bible? And that's another topic.
Or maybe not so much.
One reason - not, I think, the most important - for parents who give a rip about their kids to seriously consider home schooling is the way sex is presented in government schools. Because I am a practicing Catholic, I think sex is good, special, and a very basic part of each human being. But that natural law applies to human sexuality.
Which isn't the same as hating homosexuals and beating up people who don't dress the way I do. At all.6
#2 The Universe is About 6,000 Years Old?!
Bishop Ussher - not a Catholic bishop - decided that the universe is about six millennia old.2 And since he was convinced that the Bible said so, anybody who said otherwise is forever damned to the sit on the hottest griddle in Hell forever. Or maybe even longer.No, I don't think so. Not at all. Definitely not. No way.
First, there's the Matthew 7:1-5 thing about not judging.
Second, there's a whole lot data that doesn't make much sense unless the planet we live on is upwards of 4,500,000,000 years old.7
But wait - I say I'm a practicing Catholic. Aren't faith and reason, religion and science absolutely incompatible?
#3 Science and Being Catholic
When I converted to Catholicism, I didn't have to stop being interested in God's creation. And I certainly didn't have to start believing that everything we've learned since about 1850 or so is some kind of conspiracy.Good grief: The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is headquartered at the Vatican.
(The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, used w/o permission)
I wrote enough posts about science, faith, wackadoo assumptions, and getting a grip to warrant making a link page for them:
More to the point, the Catholic Church has a few things to say about science. I've noted a few points under "Science," in the "Background" section near the end of this post.
Bottom line: As a Catholic, I don't have to turn off my brain in church.
"...'Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth.'..."
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 159)
Oars in the Water and Home Schooling
I suppose that a determinedly 'intelligent' America would assume that I must not have my oars in the water, since I- Have religious beliefs
- And take them seriously
- Home schooled my kids
- Okay: my wife did most of the work
Maybe it's because I live on the edge of Minnesota's lake country: I don't think in terms of "oars in the water." If my household is like a boat: what we have is more like an outboard motor.
And that's yet another topic.
Related posts:
- "Home Schooling and This Catholic Family"
(February 26, 2011) - "Jesus is a 'Wine-Guzzling Vagrant' - It's Taught in School"
(December 7, 2010) - "School District Celebrates Religious Freedom Day: By Banning Bibles"
(July 1, 2010) - " 'To Infinity, and Beyond' - And a Plug for Home Schooling"
(June 21, 2010) - "Home Schooling: It May Not be What You Think"
(May 20, 2010)
- Christian education of children as a way of sanctification
- Catechism of the Catholic Church, 902
- "Apostolicam Actuositatem"
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity
Pope Paul VI (November 18, 1965)
- Cooperation of parents in education of their children
- Catechism, 2206
- "Gravissimum Educationis"
Declaration on Christian Education
Pope Paul VI (October 28, 1965)
- Education
- In the Christian faith as a duty and an office
- Of conscience
- Catechism, 1783-1785
- "Preparatory Catechesis for the Sixth World Encounter of Families"
(January 16-18, 2009)
Particularly- Sixth Catechesis
The family, molder of the strict moral conscience - Sources
- Vatican II: Constitutions Lumen gentium and Gaudium et Spes; declaration Gravissimum educationis
- Paul VI: Humanae vitae
- John Paul II: Familiaris consortio; Gratissimam sane; Evangelium Vitae
- Benedict XVI: Various discourses referring to the family
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
- Sixth Catechesis
- Effects and fruits of
- Catechism, 1839, 1917
- "Casti Connubii"
Pope Pius XI (December 12, 1930)
- In freedom
- Catechism, 2370, 2526
- "Pornography and Violence in the Communications Media: A Pastoral Response"
Pontifical Council for Social Communications (May 7, 1989)
- Freedom to educate children in the faith and in the political community
- Catechism, 2211
- "Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation"
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect (March 22, 1986)
- Impediments to education of children
- Catechism, 1634
- "Matrimonia Mixta"
On Mixed Marriage
(October 1, 1970)- In this context, a mixed marriage is one between a Catholic and a non-Catholic
- It isn't about ethnicity
- My marriage was "mixed" in this sense until my conversion
- In this context, a mixed marriage is one between a Catholic and a non-Catholic
- Marriage and the education of children
- Catechism, 1601, 1652, 2201
- "Humanae Vitae"
Pope Paul VI (July 25, 1968)
- Parents as the first and principal educators of their children
- Catechism, 1653, 2206, 2372
- "Gravisimum Educationis"
Declaration on Christian Education
Pope Paul VI (OCTOBER 28, 1965)
- Family
- Christian
- Catechism, 2204-2206
- "Familiaris Consorti"
On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World
Pope John Paul II (November 22, 1981)
- Duties
- Of children in
- Of parents in
- Catechism, 2221-2226 "Divini Illius Magistri" On Christian Education Pope Pius XI (December 31, 1939)
- Education of one's
- Catechism, 1914
- "Sacramentum Caritatis"
On the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission
Pope Benedict XVI (February 22, 2007)
Particularly- The eucharistic form of the christian life
(Eucharistic consistency)
- The eucharistic form of the christian life
- Education of and respect for children
- Catechism, 2221-2224, 2228-2230
- "Gravissimum Educationis"
Declaration on Christian Education
Pope Paul VI (October 28, 1965)
- Parents' rights in
- Catechism, 2229-2230
- "Gravissimum Educationis"
Declaration on Christian Education
Pope Paul VI (October 28, 1965)
- Christian
- Respect for the vocation of children
- Catechism, 2232-2233
- "For the XXXI World Day of Prayer for Vocations"
Pope John Paul II (26 December 26, 1993)
- Social defense of
- Catechism, 2209-2211
- "The family in the Pontificate of John Paul II"
Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Trujillo (October 18, 2003)
- Religious Freedom
- Catechism, 2104-2109
- "Dignitatis Humanae"
Declaration on Religious Freedom
Pope Paul VI (December 7, 1965) - For everybody
- Catechism, 2106
- "Message to Her Excellency Professor Mary Ann Glendon, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences"
Benedict XVI (April 29, 2011)
- Rights
- And duty of parents to educate their children
- Catechism, 1653, 2221, 2223, 2372
- And see "Parents as the first and principal educators of their children," "Duties ... Of parents in," above
- To establish a family
- Catechism, 1908
- "Encyclical Pacem in Terris of John XXIII, 11 April 1963"
Pope John XXIII (April 11, 1963) - To make education accessible
- To receive a proper sexual education
- Catechism, 2344
- "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality"
Guidelines for Education within the Family
The Pontifical Council for the Family, Alfonso Card. López Trujillo, + Most Rev. Elio Sgreccia (December 8, 1995)
- And duty of parents to educate their children
- Science
- And faith
- Catechism, 159
- "Discourse at the conferral of the first Ratzinger Prize"
Pope Benedict XVI (June 30, 2011)
- As a gift of the Spirit
- Catechism, 1831
- "Jubilee of Scientists"
John Paul II (May 25, 2000)- "...to love truth is to live on the Holy Spirit (cf. St Augustine, Sermo, 267, 4)..."
- "Regina Coeli"
(April 23, 1989)- "...Knowledge ... is this gift which helps them to value things correctly in their essential dependence on the Creator..." "...St Thomas writes, man does not esteem creatures more than they are worth and does not place in them the end of his life, but in God (ct. 'Summa Theol.'. II-II, q. 9, a. 4)..."
- Basically. science
- Shouldn't be idolized
- Helps us see "things as true and real, although limited, manifestations of the Truth, Beauty, and infinite Love which is God..."
(See Psalms 19:2, Psalms 148:1, 3
- And the service of man
- Catechism, 2293-2294
- "Address of the Holy Father John Paul II to the 18th International Congress of the transplantation Society"
Pope John Paul II (August 29, 2000) - "Science and the Future of Mankind" (.pdf)
Science for Man and Man for Science
Proceedings, Working Group
Pontifical Academy of Sciences (November 10-13, 2000)
- Is
- Subject to moral law
- Catechism, 2296-2293
- "Instruction Dignitas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions"
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, William Card. Levada, + Luis F. Ladaria, S.I. (December 8, 2008)
- Very valuable
- Catechism, 2293
- When done right
- "Instruction on respect for human life"
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Card. Ratznger, Alberto Bovone (February 22, 1987)
- "Instruction on respect for human life"
- When done right
- Catechism, 2293
- Subject to moral law
- And faith
- Sexuality
- Is part of human nature
- Catechism, 2331-2336
- "Educational Guidance in Human Love"
Outlines for sex education
Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, William Cardinal Baum (November 1, 1983) - And as such is
- Good
- Catechism, 2331-2332 Genesis 1:27, 31
- Special
- Catechism, 2348-2350)
- "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality"
Guidelines for Education within the Family
The Pontifical Council for the Family, Alfonso Card. López Trujillo, + Most Rev. Elio Sgreccia (December 8, 1995)
- Catechism, 2348-2350)
- Good
- Rape is bad
- Catechism, 2356)
- "Consultation on Humanitarian Issues"
Issues and Experience of the World Food Program
Monsignor Marchetto, Permanent Observer of the Holy See (March 16, 2000)- Yes, I know about the pedophile priests
- Is part of human nature
- Social Justice
- Catechism, 1928, 1943-1948
- "Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church"
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (June 26, 2006)
- Respect for the human person
- Catechism, 1929-1933
- "Instruction on respect for human life"
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Card. Ratznger, Alberto Bovone (February 22, 1987)
- Equality and differences among men
- Catechism, 1933-1938
- "Octogesima Adveniens"
Apostolic Letter of Pope Paul VI (may 14, 1971)
- Human solidarity
- Catechism, 1939-1942
- "Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church"
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (June 26, 2006)
1 I think reporters and editors accurately record their impressions of real events. When those events involve experiences foreign to their circle of friends and associates, the results show more about the journalists than the events. It's sort of like what you'd get if a newspaper's Art columnist, who specialized in early Dadaism, was sent to cover a monster truck rally.
What shows up in the newsstands is an entertaining, modestly lucrative, and occasionally-informative mix of fact and "journalistic infotainment-like art-product." (Buck Godot (December 18, 2008)) In my opinion, of course. I've discussed this sort of thing fairly often, mostly in other blogs:
- "Milly Dowler, News of the World, and Old-School Journalism in the Information Age"
Apathetic Lemming of the North (July 7, 2011)
Particularly - "The New York Times, Insularity, and Assumptions"
Another War-on-Terror Blog (October 21, 2008)
- "Catholic Church, Creationism, Evolution, Facts and Faith"
(March 5, 2009)
- "Home Schooling: It May Not be What You Think"
(May 20, 2010)- Including a summary of the March 6, 2010 post on home schooling
- "Home Schooling, Religious and Moral Instruction, and American Culture"
(March 6, 2010)
There's more to "morality" than zipper issues, and I've posted on the topic. Including these:
- "Morality, Wisdom, and Getting a Grip"
(June 3, 2011) - "Hummingbirds, Deuteronomy, Morality, and Getting a Grip"
(August 13, 2011) - "'Legislating Morality' - My Take"
(June 28, 2011) - "Natural Moral Law, Catholicism, Karma, and the Tea Party"
(October 16, 2010)
I've harangued about this before:
- "Humans are Animals: But Not Just Animals"
(August 31, 2011)
Particularly - "Charity Demands Environmental Awareness (and God Doesn't Make Junk)"
(April 12, 2011)
- Genesis 1:1-31
- God made the heavens and the earth and it was good
- Genesis 2:15
- Humans are commanded to care for God's creation
- Leviticus 25:1-7
- The land itself must be given a rest and not abused
- Deuteronomy 10:14
- All of heaven and earth belong to the Lord
- Psalm 24:1-2
- All the earth is the Lord's
- Daniel 3:56-82
- Creation proclaims the glory of God
- Matthew 6:25-34
- God loves and cares for all of creation
- Romans 1:20
- Creation reveals the nature of God
- 1 Corinthians 10:26
- Creation and all created things are inherently good because they are of the Lord
It's the 'friends don't let friends drive drunk' principle, and I've been over this sort of thing before:
- "Hippies, Prudes, Catholics, and Sex"
(August 30, 2011) - "New York State Senate Okays Same-Sex Marriage: My Take"
(June 25, 2011) - "No Open Season on Transgendered People, Please!"
(April 26, 2011) - "Hating People? Not an Option"
(December 9, 2010) - "The Catholic Church and Homosexuals: Harsh and Soft, Judgmental and Understanding"
(March 13, 2009)
- Evolution, Space Aliens, and Two Millennia of Dealing With People"
(July 5, 2011) - Dinosaurs, Mutant Chickens, Evolution, and Faith in God"
(June 29, 2009) - Catholic Church, Creationism, Evolution, Facts and Faith"
(March 5, 2009)
Line break rather than paragraph break: "to the space-time continuum.
Here's what I mean"
The Friendly Neighborhood Proofreader
Found, fixed: Thanks!
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